Coherence HotspotSo, what does this mean?!!

A Coherence Hotspot is a commUnity to learn about and practice personal coherence and apply this to global coherence. (Coherence is the healthy state when our heart, mind and emotions are in energetic alignment.)

Coherence is “achieved” by the Heart Lock-In Technique created by Heart Math. Here’s the steps … and we encourage you to try this:

  • Focus on your heart by placing your hands over your heart.
  • Imagine your breath flows in and out of your heart/chest area, breathing a little slower and deeper than usual.
  • Inhale five slow counts; exhale five slow counts.
  • Once a steady, even rhythm is established, focus on a feeling of love, appreciation, gratitude, kindness, compassion, joy, peace, balance, bliss, elation, etc. (You can also focus on a person, pet, special place, accomplishment, thing/object, etc.)
  • This is coherent breathing.

This is powerful when done personally and the energy gets even more “amped up” when done in meditation groups. As meditation groups are forming all over the world vis-à-vis Coherence Hotspots, this is creating global collective coherence to effect social change. This is an opportunity to positively impact humanity, our future and the Earth. For example, when a group of people become coherent, the structure of the plasma and electromagnetic field of the Earth beneath them changes!

I am a Coherence Hotspot facilitator and the co-founders (Dirk Terpstra and Hilary Davies) are looking for at least 350,000 facilitators worldwide. If this resonates with you, learn more at
